

Anastrozole is considered one of the best drugs in its own category, which is confirmed by time and good reviews of bodybuilders. The drug belongs to the class of anti-estrogens and is available in the form of pills. Initially, it was created to be used only in medical appointments for the treatment of breast cancer in ladies. Time has passed, and a number of studies have proven that the product is not bad in sports disciplines, in particular, namely, in bodybuilding. Representatives of power sports use it as a preventive drug to avoid gynecomastia, swelling and other undesirable manifestations associated with the use of steroids.

The price of Anastrazolol is completely inexpensive, which means that it can be completely allowed to every crossfitter. In bodybuilding and other sports it shows itself quite powerful action. 1 ml of the active ingredient, an anti-estrogen, is quite sufficient to reduce estradiol levels in blood by nearly 80%. The drug does not retain water in the body, does not lead to the appearance of swollen mammary glands in guys. As previously mentioned, powerlifters use Anastrozole as a powerful drug with androgenic properties. By reducing the concentration of estrogen, it is able to suspend the development of all diseases.

Anastrozole has a positive effect on the bodybuilder’s body, which manifests itself in:

a significant reduction in aromatization;
a decrease in the suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis function;
a decrease in estrogen concentrations;
an increase in anabolic hormones;
improvement in the quality of muscle fibers;
Moderate anti-estrogenic action;
Increased blood levels of anabolic hormones.
Increased muscle definition;
muscle growth;
acceleration of fat burning;
Increased strength characteristics.
Reviews about Anastrozol justify that the steroid is ideal for those who want to quickly increase muscle mass. Anastrozole buy Kiev can be at a reasonable price, which depends directly on the dose and manufacturer. Athletes prefer it for its very rapid action, which can be monitored in 2 hours after taking the pills. This will give a chance to prevent aromatization in a short period of time.

Rules for using Anastrazole
There is no correctly defined pattern of use, because the dosage of the product is indicated based on the personal characteristics of the body and the desired result. But it is ideal to adhere to certain rules, for example, to drink the pills only in the morning on an empty stomach. This will contribute to the rapid entry of the active substance into the bloodstream, and therefore the effectiveness will be faster. The duration of the cycle is not very large and is about 10 days, the time of two weeks. At the same time, the dose of the product does not have to exceed 1 mg per day. All bodybuilders start taking the product only after the first signs of gynecomastia, which is very wrong. The best option would be to take an estradiol test 10 days after the start of the steroid course. This will give you a chance to find failures and make a dose prescription. In any case, it is ideal to buy anastrozole Ukraine in advance to start using it in time.

Possible side effects
Athletes who elect to use Anastrozole in bodybuilding on a course, are required to familiarize themselves with the unnecessary manifestations that antiestrogens cause:

Desire to sleep, depressive states;
soreness in the joints;
decreased libido;
weight loss;
Reduced bone strength, which is a prerequisite for fractures;
Gastrointestinal malfunction in the form of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea;
Headaches and allergic skin rashes.
Very occasionally Anastrozole is a prerequisite for imbalances in the true functioning of the liver. Due to its power, the drug should be used with special competence. In case of non-adherence to the specified doses, you may encounter negative symptoms.


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